Dino Indoor Challenge, April 26
This is the last indoor track meet at the Jack Simpson until the fall. There are not a lot of college or masters athletes competing this weekend, but there are a few notable exceptions. There's a full performance list at the link below, but I'll point out a couple of the highlights. Maybe you can stop by for an event on your way to picking up your race package for the Police Half.
The morning starts off with a pretty competitive bunch of races, the men's and women's 16+ 60 metres, which are exciting to watch. After that at 10:15 you can watch Calgary Roadrunners masters sprinter Betty Dargie, who is 65, run a 60 metre sprint against 72 year old Mary McCarron-Egner. Dargie ran the 60m in 9.71 in Edmonton a buncha weeks back, so she'll probably be under 10 seconds again. Following that race is the men's masters 60m, with Brian Harries, Christopher Coy, Eugene Yuen and Earle Connor, and the oldest one in that group is merely 52.
So, that's about 5 minutes of your morning, but if you're picking up your race package in the afternoon Donna Dixon is running the 600m at 1:10pm. The times for these races are somewhat flexible, so you'll want to get there a little early and watch some of the other races. Especially if you've never done it before. There will be hundreds of elementary, junior and senior high school kids all freaked out and ready to explode and that's fun to be around.
If you haven't got a bib for the Calgary Police Half, it's too late for the half, but there are 100 5k bibs you can pick up at package pickup at the Tech Shop. I know, it's not the same, but it will still be fun. Or why not register for the 5k, run the half, and get the worst 5k time ever! That sounds like fun. Or volunteer. Volunteers are still needed to keep the hordes on the right path.
See ya out there.
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